Sleep Apnea Diagnosis & Treatment Made Easy

Discover the Future of Sleep Care: Unlock 20%+ Cost Savings

Why isn’t Sleep Health in your Top 5 priorities?
Effective Sleep Apnea (SA) treatment presents an average PMPM cost reduction of 19% across all Medicare medical spend cohorts, and 22% in the 75th% mean cohort. These savings increase by number and type of comorbidity.

Find out how you can capture these cost savings and improve HEDIS and STAR program performance while enabling healthier members.

Identify and unlock a 20% PMPM reduction in your high-risk population. Contact BetterNight today:

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Today 1 in 4 U.S. adults is suffering with Sleep Apnea (SA), yet 80% are undiagnosed. Another roughly 80% of the diagnosed patients are untreated. The current pathway had to be fixed.

Keeping SA patients on therapy is a PROVEN path to reducing care costs and utilization and improving health. This process can be provided safely and affordably to patients in the comfort of their own homes. This cuts care pathway costs and improves therapy compliance rates.

Hidden In Plain Sight

The Crime Scene

Sleep Apnea is at the “Scene of the Crime” in the majority of your members with these chronic conditions.

0 %
0 %
Heart Failure
0 %
0 %
0 %

The above numbers show the staggering correspondence between Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and your members with Diabetes, DR-Hypertension, Heart Failure, Obesity, and Stroke.

What's your compliance rate for controlled A1c and Hypertension?

Start Reducing Your PMPM Today!

BetterNight’s affordable virtual care pathway enhances health equity by improving accessibility. Our approach boosts adherence rates 3–5x, leading to direct medical cost savings, reduced acute utilization, and quality program improvements.
What's your readmit rate and current spend for unplanned hospital stays?
25%of Americans have Sleep Apnea

Untreated OSA = Comorbidities

Your untreated members are at a greater risk for expensive health conditions:

  • Stroke – 2x
  • Heart Failure – 2.4x
  • AFib – 2.2x
  • Type 2 Diabetes – 1.6x
  • Depression – 1.8x

Untreated Sleep Apnea not only exacerbates chronic conditions, it can also CAUSE them (as is the case with Diabetes). 

What would a $200-$400 PMPM medical spend reduction mean for your organization?

Start Reducing Your PMPM Today!

BetterNight’s affordable virtual care pathway enhances health equity by improving accessibility. Our approach boosts adherence rates 3–5x, leading to direct medical cost savings, reduced acute utilization, and quality program improvements.